Religion Clashes with Heavy Metal Again!

 Catholic Protesters Call for Metal Radio Station to be Shut Down. 

        Well then, who would've thought we'd be dealing with this again? Here we are, hurtling towards the middle of 2021 and heavy metal once again finds itself in the lime light of controversy. I won't lie, I genuinely believed we were past all of this. I thought this sort of thing died out at the end of the twentieth century, but no. 

        On the 3rd May a New Jersey based college radio station called WSOU was subject to public protests calling for the station to be shut down. WSOU was founded in 1986 as non-commercial college radio station for students across New York and New Jersey. The station exclusively plays hard rock and heavy metal to thousands of young headbangers across the two areas. The group 'Shutdown WSOU' (imaginative) is a catholic lead protest group. Their aim is to, as you can probably guess, shut down the radio station to protect the youth from this "Satanic" music.

        'Shutdown WSOU' have actually been active for the past couple of years now, and have recently been seen protesting outside of Section Hall University. Many have banners with slogans such as "End Section Hall Blasphemy" and "Stop Corrupting Young Souls", you get the gist. As well as public demonstrations the group also have set up an online petition to ban the radio station "completely and permanently".

        So, you may be asking why has the catholic group specifically targeted WSOU? Well, simply browse their social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as their very own website (simply named and you will learn they are attempting to stop the spread of Satanism and anti-Christion music. A representative of the Catholic group provided the following statement; 

        "The university has bred a perniciously evil subculture at the station that is overtly hostile to Christ - By continuing to air this material in New York and northern New Jersey, America's largest media market, Seton Hall has made itself once again a disgrace to Christ's Church and a threat to many young souls inside and outside of their university environment". 

        Needless to say, with religious extremists like this, heavy metal is a prime target for this sort of aggravation. However, is there any merit in this statement or their beliefs? Obviously as a metal head myself, I can't help but feel ever so slightly attacked. That being said, I also can't help but find their bizarre and downright stubborn view point rather amusing. The irony of their statement alone does get a chuckle out of me, especially considering the amount done in the name of heavy metal and the amount done in the name of Christ. For the sake of professionalism I shall restrain myself, especially as I don't wish to step down to their level. 

        For now, let's return to why they want to shut the radio down, and what sent them over the edge. On their very own website they point out several artists and songs that they believe are promoting Satanism, Violence and anti-Christian themes.  Such artists include the likes of Whitechaple, Opeth, Electric Wizard (amazing name), and Dimmu Borgir to name a few. They focus on Dimmu Borgir in particular claiming that they are openly Satanist, though this may just be due to the fact they are a black metal band, most of which focus on themes of Satanism. 
        Perhaps one of the reasons this group in particular is so aggressively outraged by WSOU and Seton Hall is because Seton Hall University is itself a Catholic institution. Not to take the side of the protest group, but the fact that the university is openly Catholic does make a little more sense when it comes to figuring out why they are so outraged. Maybe in their view this "Violent and obscene" music is invading their religion, fearing it will convert their faithful students. Much like the religion has done itself to millions of people across the planet. Sorry, doing my best to restrain myself.  

        The material that the group has targeted, is material that has been aired during the thirty-six years WSOU has been broadcasting. Browse 'Shutdown WSOU''s website and you will be able to find a page simply 
labelled "Evidence". This so-called evidence is a list of different recording, lyrics and images all related to previously aired metal artists. The website even offers a warning to all those who may be affected to these "HIGHLY DISTURBING AND OFFENSIVE" tracks. These of course feature classic songs and album covers from bands like Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Black Flag, Machine Head etc. And of course, they have listed the dates each track with aired, along with the cover art, lyric sheet and the audio recording for those brave enough to dare listen to this soul corrupting evil. 
        The WSOU has released a statement following these protests. The statement reads as follows;
        "WSOU's advisory board comprised of WSOU students and alumni along with Seton Hall University clergy and administrators, meets regularly to review the station's content and operating policies and standards. The goal is to ensure that WSOU continues to realize its mission, goals, and long-held operating procedures. Further incorporating and integrating Catholic mission and ministry into WSOU's wide-ranging and popular programming is always a priority."

        What does this mean for the radio station? With Seton Hall being a Catholic university, it could mean bad news for the radio station and all of its listeners. However, as 'Shutdown WSOU' said themselves, the radio station is a "threat to many young souls inside and outside of their university environment" across New Jersey and New York. Which implies that the majority of people who do in fact listen to this radio station are outside of, not just a university environment, but outside of the Catholic influence Seton Hall has. This all comes back to the debate, when does censorship go too far and does the church, or anybody for that matter, have a right to shut down this radio station due the musical content?

        With any hope, the radio station will continue, as I truly believe that this protest group do not have the right to shut down the station. If they were successful, it would be a complete failure of freedom of speech and, more importantly, the freedom of choice. I could talk about religion vs metal for days, but that's a long conversation, one that I will probably dedicate an entire essay to. However, I find it very ironic, and frankly hypocritical, that 'Shutdown WSOU' called out the radio station as a threat to young people, corrupting their souls. Why do I think this? Because there is no one more guilty of corrupting the youth and spreading negativity and manipulation than the church. 
        At the end of the day, this is one of the largest issues I have whenever I hear stories from the USA. This of course being the heavy Christian influence on that country. In the UK, following Christianity and religion is a choice, whereas in the USA it seems to be integrated into everyday society. Its effecting the media, schools and even politics. Religion should be a choice, not an enforcement. The second it starts interfering with people's free-will, we start to have a big problem. This is exactly what is happening with WSOU. We have to respect the church and everybody's decision to be a part of it, so the church needs to respect the choices of others and the paths they choose. 

        I am blown away that we are still having to deal with this. But then again, last February saw Polish metal band Behemoth and their front-man Nergal in court facing a blasphemy charge. That's right, an actual blasphemy charge. In this day and age people are being arrested and taken to court because of imagery that is deemed blasphemous. In Behemoth's case, over an image of the Virgin Mary. The bible supposedly lays down the rules, and God himself will judge you in the next life, but it seems Christians have decided to take that duty upon themselves. 

        Those that listen to metal and get enjoyment from it should be congratulated. They have found something that they can relate to, something to vent their feelings to, something to connect with. Many metalheads and rockers have nothing else but their connection to the music. It's usually why they are so dedicated to it. Heavy metal is their religion and music is their church. They should be encouraged not judged; it is no different to Catholics attending a Sunday mass. It's how they seek their inner peace. 

        Hopefully, this will pass and the WSOU will continue onward playing metal for years to come. And where I do feel saddened that this has happened to begin with, my faith has been restored in the response to this event. The support for the station to continue has been incredible, even from other Christians. This gives me hope that metal will soon be past this long religious battle that it has been fighting for so many years now, and will soon be free to be enjoyed by everyone. 





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