The Future of AC/DC
To Be Or Not To Be
AC/DC. The name speaks for itself. What is there to say that hasn't been said already? Those four letters have been a staple of, not just Rock N' Roll, but popular culture itself, and deservedly so. There isn't anything I can say that's original, it's all been said by millions across the globe. I'm not going to sit here, vomiting up words of praise, accomplishment and relevance, you've heard enough of that over the years I'm sure. I sincerely doubt my additional praise will add anything else to the discussion, it would just simply be another pointless approval that would be lost among the millions of others that did the same. Instead, let's address the elephant in the room. Let's address the question that has been on the minds of every single one of those fans, and even the band itself. The question that has repeatedly been avoided. Is AC/DC done?
Well, lots of people seem to think so. Are they too old? Are they too far gone? Have they been reduced to a mere tribute act? The question of retirement has reared it's head several times over the years, even dating back to the 'Stiff Upper Lip' days, nearly twenty years ago. In recent years however, this little old band of Aussies have been particularly bombarded with this question. Previously they've either shied away from it or merely dismissed it all together. Brian Johnson regularly shot these down in the years of the 'Black Ice' tour, "Retirement? Not while I can still walk!"
However, 'Black Ice' was released over a decade ago now. Now Johnson has even gone on to say, "I've had a great run". Well that doesn't sound particularly promising for fans. Worse still, other members have gone as far as confirming their departure and subsequent retirement, as Cliff Williams claimed in 2016, "I'm ready to get off the road". So what's changed in recent years? Age? Boredom? Depression? Well there may not be one specific reason for the band's questionable end, but it does seem to emerge from one specific era in the bands history, that being, 'Rock or Bust'. In hindsight a rather fitting title, one that may have unfortunately been answered.
So what happened? Well quite a lot it turns out, most of which subsequently resulted in band members dropping like flies. In the space of one album cycle the band lost four out of five members. How the hell did that happen? Was 'Rock or Bust' really that bad? As albums go 'Rock or Bust' wasn't one of their most popular. It wasn't received badly by any means, it just struggled to stand up to the vast wealth of their back catalog. Personally, I rather enjoyed the album, particularly the title track, again a rather fitting title. But surely there must be more to it than that, if they can come back from 'Fly on the Wall' why not this? Well, surprisingly it wasn't the musical side of things, it was behind the scenes drama, starting with founding member Malcolm Young.
While recording 'Black Ice' Malcolm was diagnosed with dementia. Well shit. Being the straight shooting, hard working guitarist he is, he powered through the album and the subsequent two year tour that followed, the biggest of their entire career. AC/DC has always kept a shroud of secrecy when it came to their personal affairs, hence this hidden from the public. I can't begin to count how many times I watched 'Live at the River Plate', it was jaw dropping, exciting, a true Rock n' Roll experience. Never once did it occur to me that Malcolm was suffering, he was a true champion right to the end.
Two down. In 2015 they hit the road with 'Razor's Edge' drummer Chris Slade, and that was my chance. If I somehow haven't made it clear enough I was, and still am, a religious AC/DC fan. Hell I've got their lyrics fucking tattooed on me, that has to count for something. Up to that point I had never seen them. I was desperate, I would've done anything to see them, even with two members down. Well, on the 4th July 2015, I got my chance, down in the pit of Wembley Stadium I got close and personal. It was fucking killer. I still hold that performance close to me as one of the best I've seen, if not the best. It was also one of the most terrifying. This was before golden circles became a modern staple, but that's a rant for another day.
So when they announced a second leg, I was beyond excited. With lap two booked and ready to go, it seemed like they weren't slowing down. But just as it looked like they were unstoppable, it happened again. During the US tour, Brian Johnson was next on the hit list. His ears, his fucking ears. He should be the poster boy for ear plugs. Protect your ears kids. He already lost hearing in one of his ears before the tour, and it was looking like the second one was going as well. Shit. The Geordie lad was out.
If I was being selfish, I'd say one more tour. Brian seems to be able to hear again with new in ear technology, and Phil has ended his 18 month house arrest. 18 months inside his New Zealand sea front mansion (oh how just). All they'd have to do is convince Cliff to give it one more go. If I wasn't being selfish though, I'd say just do one more show. Just one. A farewell show and a tribute to Malcolm Young. Go out with a big fucking bang, make a day of it, get big named bands on the bill, have proceeds go to Dementia research, fans would flock in their millions to see that. Hell, I'd fly all the way to Australia to see it.
Angus, on the other hand, may seem to have other ideas on his mind. In the past year or so rumors circulated. Word around the campfire, Angus was putting a new record together, building it out of unused Malcolm recordings. This certainly raised a few eyebrows, mine included. It seemed he was putting together his own tribute to Malcolm. But who else is going to play on the record? Who was going to sing? Well we may have found out, as he and others have been spotted in Vancouver, in the very studio they have recorded their past two albums. This is getting exciting again, as both Angus and Stevie seem to be there. What were they up to? Is it going to be AC/DC? Well turns out, yes it was. Merely days after the Young's were spotted, both Phil and Brian were seen in the same studio. The boys seemed to be back and the rumors began spreading.
Rumors spread over the internet, over the news, and all over the Rock world, until it reached Brian. And what did Brian have to say about these rumors? Was he going to blatantly deny them? Keep quiet and secretive as they always did before? Dismiss rumors all together? Well when he was asked if he had made his triumphant return to the band, he simply said "Yes, I'm sick of denying it". Looks like the boys are back, and shortly after Brian said this, Cliff was spotted at the very same studio. It's safe to say AC/DC still have a future.
But what will they do with it? We know they have a record in the works, but will they tour? Despite their ambitiousness, the clock is ticking, they can't keep going on forever, but two things are for certain. First, they can't let it end the way it ended with 'Rock or Bust', so whether they play a world tour, a small tour, a few, or just one, this is their last chance. Second, whatever they do, they will make sure of one thing with all certainty, it will be one truly fitting tribute to the man who started it all. The drive here is not money or sales, its paying tribute to the legend that formed the band, and the legend whose legacy with live on forever through their music. So whatever they do, it WILL be a fitting tribute to Malcolm, and if that's all that their future holds, well, that's certainly good enough for me.

Well, lots of people seem to think so. Are they too old? Are they too far gone? Have they been reduced to a mere tribute act? The question of retirement has reared it's head several times over the years, even dating back to the 'Stiff Upper Lip' days, nearly twenty years ago. In recent years however, this little old band of Aussies have been particularly bombarded with this question. Previously they've either shied away from it or merely dismissed it all together. Brian Johnson regularly shot these down in the years of the 'Black Ice' tour, "Retirement? Not while I can still walk!"
However, 'Black Ice' was released over a decade ago now. Now Johnson has even gone on to say, "I've had a great run". Well that doesn't sound particularly promising for fans. Worse still, other members have gone as far as confirming their departure and subsequent retirement, as Cliff Williams claimed in 2016, "I'm ready to get off the road". So what's changed in recent years? Age? Boredom? Depression? Well there may not be one specific reason for the band's questionable end, but it does seem to emerge from one specific era in the bands history, that being, 'Rock or Bust'. In hindsight a rather fitting title, one that may have unfortunately been answered.
So what happened? Well quite a lot it turns out, most of which subsequently resulted in band members dropping like flies. In the space of one album cycle the band lost four out of five members. How the hell did that happen? Was 'Rock or Bust' really that bad? As albums go 'Rock or Bust' wasn't one of their most popular. It wasn't received badly by any means, it just struggled to stand up to the vast wealth of their back catalog. Personally, I rather enjoyed the album, particularly the title track, again a rather fitting title. But surely there must be more to it than that, if they can come back from 'Fly on the Wall' why not this? Well, surprisingly it wasn't the musical side of things, it was behind the scenes drama, starting with founding member Malcolm Young.
While recording 'Black Ice' Malcolm was diagnosed with dementia. Well shit. Being the straight shooting, hard working guitarist he is, he powered through the album and the subsequent two year tour that followed, the biggest of their entire career. AC/DC has always kept a shroud of secrecy when it came to their personal affairs, hence this hidden from the public. I can't begin to count how many times I watched 'Live at the River Plate', it was jaw dropping, exciting, a true Rock n' Roll experience. Never once did it occur to me that Malcolm was suffering, he was a true champion right to the end.
However, it had to end at some point. as the dementia took its toll, Malcolm became far to ill to play. That was tough for the fans. It was such a depressing thought for everyone, Malcolm was the founder, the leader, the one who held the shit together. Listen to any of those songs and you'll find that they're all built around Malcolm's playing. Angus was always the flashy performer, but Malcolm was the foundation. Angus described their music as a cake. He was just the cherry on top, and Malcolm was the base.
So before they even hit the studio for 'Rock or Bust', they were already one man down. But I was still excited, the rest of the guys were still there, and Stevie Young was brought in in Malcolm's place, still keeping it within the Young clan. So let's get to business, lets see what they do. They finished the album without a hitch. That was until Phil Rudd made the news.
So before they even hit the studio for 'Rock or Bust', they were already one man down. But I was still excited, the rest of the guys were still there, and Stevie Young was brought in in Malcolm's place, still keeping it within the Young clan. So let's get to business, lets see what they do. They finished the album without a hitch. That was until Phil Rudd made the news.
What'd he do? Crashed a car? Got into a bar fight? Tax fraud? Hiring a hit-man! That was certainly not expected. I couldn't believe it, I heard some crazy Rock n' Roll stories in my time, but, hit-men? Turns out this wasn't quite the case as the hiring a hit-man charges were dropped, but he still faced charges. Threatening to kill and drug possession. Ah drugs, that explains it. And I must admit it was rather amusing in its own way. Phil clearly didn't understand the concept of witness harassment. For the next few weeks he bullied witnesses, slagged off the media, nearly ran over a camera crew, it was strangely fun to watch. When Phil argued AC/DC's tour plans would be affected by his absence the judge simply said, "Queen replaced Freddie". That one made me chuckle.

So when they announced a second leg, I was beyond excited. With lap two booked and ready to go, it seemed like they weren't slowing down. But just as it looked like they were unstoppable, it happened again. During the US tour, Brian Johnson was next on the hit list. His ears, his fucking ears. He should be the poster boy for ear plugs. Protect your ears kids. He already lost hearing in one of his ears before the tour, and it was looking like the second one was going as well. Shit. The Geordie lad was out.
And that marked three. Well now what? Was that really the end? Apparently not. I was surprised when Brian left, but I was really surprised when one of the other bands I had idolized was reforming, Guns N' Roses. What!? That was mind blowing, Guns N' Fucking Roses. But if I thought that was surprising, I was speechless when it was announced Axl Rose was taking vocal duties in AC/DC. Huh?
I didn't know what to make of that. I love Axl, and I love AC/DC, but together? Personally, as replacements go, I thought Axl was a pretty cool choice. Of course I was upset because I wanted to see Brian again, but I have to give credit where it's due. I went to the Olympic Stadium and saw 'Axl/DC', and I have to admit, Axl fucking killed it. As I made my way to the venue I decided just to have fun with this one. I just pretended I was seeing a fun new super group, and with that mentality, it was a blast. Whether you love him or hate him, Axl gave it his all, he was a superb choice, and considering that the entire stadium began chanting his name, I think they agreed.
So just Cliff and Angus left. They finished the tour with Axl, Stevie and Chris, ending in the states in 2016. But before that, the final nail in the coffin. A few days before the tour came to an end, Cliff announced his retirement, claiming these would be the last shows he ever plays. That was it, four members in one album cycle. Although to be fair to Cliff, how could you blame him? The band he he set out with was unrecognizable to the band that finished the tour.
I didn't know what to make of that. I love Axl, and I love AC/DC, but together? Personally, as replacements go, I thought Axl was a pretty cool choice. Of course I was upset because I wanted to see Brian again, but I have to give credit where it's due. I went to the Olympic Stadium and saw 'Axl/DC', and I have to admit, Axl fucking killed it. As I made my way to the venue I decided just to have fun with this one. I just pretended I was seeing a fun new super group, and with that mentality, it was a blast. Whether you love him or hate him, Axl gave it his all, he was a superb choice, and considering that the entire stadium began chanting his name, I think they agreed.
So just Cliff and Angus left. They finished the tour with Axl, Stevie and Chris, ending in the states in 2016. But before that, the final nail in the coffin. A few days before the tour came to an end, Cliff announced his retirement, claiming these would be the last shows he ever plays. That was it, four members in one album cycle. Although to be fair to Cliff, how could you blame him? The band he he set out with was unrecognizable to the band that finished the tour.
Angus Young was the last man standing, what a fucking tour!
What next? Well for some time it was unclear, most people has already written them off as a band. Angus the last man standing in a team of hired guns. But what was he going to do them? For some time it appeared that Angus intended to record another album with Axl as the lead vocalist, and to be honest, I wouldn't be against that. However it would have to be under one strong condition, change the name. Axl Rose was an incredible stand in, but to me that is where that should stand. As much as Axl killed it onstage, it just wouldn't be AC/DC anymore. Standing in when there's no alternative is one thing, but a full replacement? I don't think so. But as I said, I'd be curious to see what they would cook up, who knows it could turn out to be an awesome collaboration, it just wouldn't be AC/DC.
But it seems that ain't happening either. Whether Angus intended to work with Axl again or not, everyone's plans were put on hold in November 2017. Malcolm had passed away. One of the most influential yet still underrated guitarist of all time, had died. That hit everybody hard, myself included. The man who held the band together for all those years was gone. Who knows what would have happened if he was fit enough for 'Rock or Bust', maybe they all would've made it to the end. Needless to say, everyone was devastated, and all plans were halted.
And here we are now, where the future of AC/DC remains somewhat of a mystery. Nothing official has been declared since Malcolm's passing, so was this the end? Maybe not. If the 'Rock or Bust' tour has taught us anything, maybe it's these guys have passed it, maybe it's time to begin thinking about retirement. On the other hand however, as chaotic and devastating the tour was, maybe that's the motivation they need to do something one more time. After all, it can't end like that. AC/DC, one of the biggest, most influential Rock bands of all time, ending their final tour with dementia, arrests, hearing loss and Axl Rose? I hope not, that's an incredibly bleak and shitty end for a monumentally important band.
What next? Well for some time it was unclear, most people has already written them off as a band. Angus the last man standing in a team of hired guns. But what was he going to do them? For some time it appeared that Angus intended to record another album with Axl as the lead vocalist, and to be honest, I wouldn't be against that. However it would have to be under one strong condition, change the name. Axl Rose was an incredible stand in, but to me that is where that should stand. As much as Axl killed it onstage, it just wouldn't be AC/DC anymore. Standing in when there's no alternative is one thing, but a full replacement? I don't think so. But as I said, I'd be curious to see what they would cook up, who knows it could turn out to be an awesome collaboration, it just wouldn't be AC/DC.
But it seems that ain't happening either. Whether Angus intended to work with Axl again or not, everyone's plans were put on hold in November 2017. Malcolm had passed away. One of the most influential yet still underrated guitarist of all time, had died. That hit everybody hard, myself included. The man who held the band together for all those years was gone. Who knows what would have happened if he was fit enough for 'Rock or Bust', maybe they all would've made it to the end. Needless to say, everyone was devastated, and all plans were halted.
And here we are now, where the future of AC/DC remains somewhat of a mystery. Nothing official has been declared since Malcolm's passing, so was this the end? Maybe not. If the 'Rock or Bust' tour has taught us anything, maybe it's these guys have passed it, maybe it's time to begin thinking about retirement. On the other hand however, as chaotic and devastating the tour was, maybe that's the motivation they need to do something one more time. After all, it can't end like that. AC/DC, one of the biggest, most influential Rock bands of all time, ending their final tour with dementia, arrests, hearing loss and Axl Rose? I hope not, that's an incredibly bleak and shitty end for a monumentally important band.
If I was being selfish, I'd say one more tour. Brian seems to be able to hear again with new in ear technology, and Phil has ended his 18 month house arrest. 18 months inside his New Zealand sea front mansion (oh how just). All they'd have to do is convince Cliff to give it one more go. If I wasn't being selfish though, I'd say just do one more show. Just one. A farewell show and a tribute to Malcolm Young. Go out with a big fucking bang, make a day of it, get big named bands on the bill, have proceeds go to Dementia research, fans would flock in their millions to see that. Hell, I'd fly all the way to Australia to see it.
Angus, on the other hand, may seem to have other ideas on his mind. In the past year or so rumors circulated. Word around the campfire, Angus was putting a new record together, building it out of unused Malcolm recordings. This certainly raised a few eyebrows, mine included. It seemed he was putting together his own tribute to Malcolm. But who else is going to play on the record? Who was going to sing? Well we may have found out, as he and others have been spotted in Vancouver, in the very studio they have recorded their past two albums. This is getting exciting again, as both Angus and Stevie seem to be there. What were they up to? Is it going to be AC/DC? Well turns out, yes it was. Merely days after the Young's were spotted, both Phil and Brian were seen in the same studio. The boys seemed to be back and the rumors began spreading.
Rumors spread over the internet, over the news, and all over the Rock world, until it reached Brian. And what did Brian have to say about these rumors? Was he going to blatantly deny them? Keep quiet and secretive as they always did before? Dismiss rumors all together? Well when he was asked if he had made his triumphant return to the band, he simply said "Yes, I'm sick of denying it". Looks like the boys are back, and shortly after Brian said this, Cliff was spotted at the very same studio. It's safe to say AC/DC still have a future.

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